October 1, 2024

World War III Is The Great Reset

World War III Is The Great Reset

Sure as hell feels that way doesn't it? The world is on absolute fire right now with conflicts raging all over the globe. We have world leaders just itching for a fight against each other but guess who will be do the fighting and the dying? It's not going to be them that's for damn sure. It's going to be the regular joes just trying to get by in this world and live a good life.

I'm honestly convinced this is what 99.9 percent of the world wants. People just want to live in peace, raise their kids and have comfortable life. Is this too much to ask? Apparently so according to the psychopaths' we have running the world. They are hell bent on making everyone miserable and for what so they can have a few extra billion of a depreciating paper currency? Do you know how stupid they look right now?

They are literally going to start WW3 over fucking PAPER money!! They know the system is fucked but they'll keep this charade going as long as they can. My guess is they want to blow up the global economy, literally and start over from scratch with either more paper currency or my guess would be a Central Bank Digital Currency or CBDC.

This is the only way they could seamlessly introduce a CBDC to the public with minimal pushback. What else are people going to do when their lives savings have evaporated because of war and hyperinflation?

All they are going to see is a government handing out this new currency that can be used to buy and sell things. I can tell you they won't be thinking about intrusive surveillance or controls on what you can buy and sell. This bible verse comes to mind when thinking about our current situation.

"No one, no matter his social class or influence, will be able to buy or sell unless he has a mark upon the forehead or hand to signify devotion to the beast. The number signifies the name of the beast" Revelation 13:17

While I don't think people will be walking around with literal marks upon their foreheads, they will have the belief within their mind that this is the only way to transact. If people have this belief in their mind, they will succumb to all kinds of evils things. Imagine a world where the government incentives citizens to spy on their neighbors for a few extra CBDC credits or hold a rally in favor of the government and its policies. The possibilities are endless and horrific.

China has already implemented a system like this with their social credit score. They reward and punish their citizens depending on certain social actions. Check this out.


This is what the global powers want to implement. Don't get it twisted, on the surface when you are looking at the news, it looks like all these warring parties hate each other and want to destroy on another. I'm sure its true to some extent but the vast majority of monied political actors are looking for a way to expand their wealth at the expense of the global population. We are ants to them and will not hesitate to kill us to get what they want.

This is why I have not faith in the political system to fix anything. If governments had the best interest of their people in mind they wouldn't be spending money they didn't have and wouldn't be starting senseless wars that benefit nobody except them. It the global population versus the governments of the world.

I urge you to not buy into the propaganda being spewed by the "mainstream" or should I said mouth piece for the government. There will be no world war if regular people decide not to fight it. Imagine a world wide peace protest where every tells their leaders no we are not doing this. There are more of us than there is of them. Social media makes this possible.

A simple and easy protest that you can participate in right now is leaving their economic system and opting into the Bitcoin economy. For the first time in human history we have a money that can't be confiscated or have its purchasing power inflated away by the government.

If you can't buy it from an exchange there are several places where you can buy p2p. Here are a few places that you can check out.




If you don't want to do that, you can simply start accepting Bitcoin for goods and services. The sooner you opt into the Bitcoin economy the better prepared you will be to get through the other side in one piece.