October 9, 2024

It Doesn't Matter Who Wins The Election

It Doesn't Matter Who Wins The Election

With only a few weeks until the "most important election in our lifetime" the political class and the talking heads are placing their bets on who is going to win the election. I would posit that it means more to them than it means to the common man. Think about it for a second, what do they get out of it?

The so called political elites and the business interest that are tied to them get access to power, insider information and clout. This is the currency of politics. The money that is made is just a side benefit of having government power and access to information that the common man just doesn't have at their disposal.

This is why the political class is so concerned on who is going to win the election. It impacts their bottom line and their lifestyle. What does the average person in a America get if they elect Donald Trump or Kamala Harris? More of the same to be honest. Both candidates are going to be spending a whole lot of money that we don't have because they have to keep the system going.

If you look at their spending plans, ironically Harris's plan will spend less money over ten years than Trump! According to the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget had Harris spending plan would at [$3.5 trillion versus $7.5 for Trump][https://www.crfb.org/papers/fiscal-impact-harris-and-trump-campaign-plans].

The fact that Harris would spending less money isn't a cause for celebration, they are both driving the country over the cliff, Trump seems wants to get their faster. Democrat or Republican its all the same. More spending. More debt. More wars. More death. Nothing changes. We should want more for our country.

This is why I love Bitcoin so much. For the first time in history the people truly have a way opt out of the system and create a parallel economy and build a new prosperous society free from government coercion and greed but this isn't what the average Bitcoiner wants from what I've seen recently.

Well let me digress, I believe their are two factions of Bitcoiners right now. You got the hardcore Bitcoin Maximalist that ditched Twitter and became NOSTR only plebs, for which I am one. This is the crew that believe in the core tenets of Bitcoin and try to live those values everyday, which I love because its inspiring and they are being the change they want to be in the world.

On the other hand you have the Bitcoiners that are still on X/Twitter who are more concerned with Number Go Up, institutional investors getting into Bitcoin or making it a treasury asset. Both love Bitcoin for very different reasons.

Trump is heavily courting this group of people to get him over the finish line and back into the White House. To be honest, I don't like it and I don't buy his act for one minute. I sincerely believe that if he gets back into the White House he isn't going to give two fucks about Bitcoin or the people that got him there for the simple reason that he will have control of the money printer again that he will use to push his policy agenda.

Why on God's green Earth would he promote a currency that he couldn't control? It goes against his self interest as a politician. With the dollar he can buy votes, influence election overseas, build a massive military and bully his rivals. No freakin way he gives that up.

Bitcoiners who whore themselves out for Trump are making a huge mistake that will bite them in the ass. It not going to buy them any favors with the government when push comes to shove.

Bitcoin is a direct threat to the dollar. Point blank. This is the whole fucking point. How does Hillary Fucking Clinton understand this but Bitcoiners don't? Cmon guys.


We are here to undermine the role of the dollar as the reserve currency of the world. That's what I thought Bitcoiners were all about. Came for the gains, stayed for the revolution? Are we about that now guys? Do we just want our bags pumped, Lambos and girlfriends? That's not what I signed up for and I hope you didn't either.

So it really doesn't matter who wins this election because they are largely going to follow the same policies. If you want to make a difference in the world buy Bitcoin, spend Bitcoin, share news about Bitcoin with your friends and family. You don't have to actively "orange-pill" because I don't think that actually works but just being a good resource of information will help when someone ask you for help.

We are the vanguard of this revolution. Take this responsibility seriously. Lower your time preference and lets get to work.