September 26, 2024

The Road To $1million Bitcoin Begins With Nostr

The Road To $1million Bitcoin Begins With Nostr

I love Bitcoin. Let me get that out there first of all. I sincerely believe that Bitcoin has the power to change the way the world functions if we can grow adoption to a global scale. This obviously will take time as the gears of economic change grinds slowly. As of right now, people in the western countries don't really see the need for a sovereign politically neutral money that can't be inflated away. They simply don't have to deal with inflation on a regular basis like the rest of the world.

Citizens in western countries got a small taste of what real inflation looks like and guess what? They didn't like it one bit. Overall the last three and a half years you saw countless news stories about how bad inflation and how its making life for the average American or European more difficult.

Yes inflation does suck but look at countries like Argentina, Turkey, Zimbabwe or Venezuela. The people in these countries are suffering from excessive inflation on a regular basis! According to recent economic data Turkey experienced a decline in inflation from 61 percent to 51 percent in August. This is seen as a win in their book! Can you imagine this level of inflation in America? There would be riots in the streets!

Argentina's inflation rate is an astounding 236 percent over the last 12 months! As Bitcoiners we understand that the problem is the money itself. As long as governments have the ability to manipulate the money supply, they will. This is human nature at its finest. When you give a select few that kind of power it becomes irresistible and becomes a tool to control the masses. This shouldn't be a surprise to anyone to be honest.

What I find shocking is with all of this inflation globally no one is really looking around asking questions to why this is happening and looking for a way to escape this system. Are people really this lazy? Not to be mean but cmon. It seems to me that most people are perfectly fine bitching online about how hard it is to make ends meet or supporting their favored political party and wanting them to fix the problem they created. Newsflash to all the normies out there, its the GD political parties that caused inflation in the first place.

We literally have a solution that is staring them in the face, ready to go to replace the current debt based system that we are currently suffering through and no one wants to take the time to research it? Am I black pilled? No, am I realist, very much so. If 236 percent inflation in Argentina can't get them on a Bitcoin Standard immediately, we as a community have a long road ahead of us. Hyperbitcoinization isn't coming in 5 years. It isn't coming in 10 years. Hell it might not even happen in our lifetimes and we have to be ok with that.

So what is the best way to get more Bitcoin into the hands of the people, so they can see the true value of the digital monetary revolution that is Bitcoin. We need a trojan horse and that trojan horse is nostr.

Enter The Nostr Trojan Horse

It should be plain to see by now that the inflation or the number go up narrative alone isn't going to drive Bitcoin adoption. The reason for that is because people don't see the utility of Bitcoin. They see it as some esoteric digital funny money that drug dealers and terrorist use to do bad things.

The average Joe doesn't see how Bitcoin is helping dissidents on foreign countries fund their activism, escape oppressive regimes or simply earn a living. These stories are never told in the mainstream media because they don't want to highlight the fact that a non-state money can circumvent the status quo.

The best way to highlight these stories is to share it on social media, which again is controlled by mainstream gatekeeper such as Meta, Google and X. It is in their best interest to censor these stories or memory hole them out of existence which I suspect happens quite a bit without us even knowing. But the thing about censorship is that it slowly impacts everyone one by one until no one is allowed to say anything without the fear of being put in jail.

Think this can't happen in western democracies? It's happening already my friend! Take a look at the UK or Australia. Citizens their are being arrested over post made to social media. I sincerely believe that these two countries should be a proving ground for showing the value of nostr and Bitcoin.

Introducing the concept of a censorship resistant messaging protocol to them will go over well and once it is understood will grow like a wildfire because people innately understand that censorship is bad and will see the utility value of having the ability to speak freely again.

It is only a matter of time until they realize that they can monetize their speech and build a life using zaps aka Bitcoin.

Until people see the utility in the tools that lie before them, they will never pick them up and use them. It is really that simple. At the end of the day we are still kind of like cavemen. We only use tools when it makes life easier. Man made the wheel. We use it everyday because it has utility.

Bitcoin in the end will be the same way. Utility first, then mass adoption. Nostr is what will help people see the utility Bitcoin and from there sky is the limit. The best thing we can do as Bitcoiners is to encourage people to learn about nostr and show them how easy it is to use and to switch clients that suit their needs instead of being shoved into a one-size fits all solution on centralized platforms.

People like choices, and nostr is all about choice. The interoperability and thelack of need to give personal information to create an account are HUGE selling points that can be touched on. Go out and spread the good word about nostr!

#Bitcoin #Nostr